Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Symbolism of Trees

3) In Circle 7, the Violent are punished in three separate rounds depending on the nature of their violent tendencies. Choose one round within Circle 7 and explore an archetypal symbol that Dante uses there to explore the sin. You may, for example, look at the river of blood in Round 1 or the trees in Round 2 or the desert and fire in Round 3. Consider the archetype itself and then how Dante utilizes the symbol to enhance his own work.

     Nature scenes including trees and forests have many mythical and symbolic meanings. The meaning of trees is obvious in things like the tree of life or family trees. In round two of circle seven, Dante uses trees in order to explore the sin of suicide. In my opinion, Dante uses trees as an archetypal symbol to show sharp contrast between life and death. Trees symbolize life and nature. They are basicly the essence of life. We need trees in order to breathe in order to live. Their is alot of irony in the symbol considering suicide is the exact opposite of giving life.
      Trees, obviously, are a part of nature. Death is also a part of nature and suicide disrupts the nature of death. By killing yourself your are defying your natural way of death.The sinners are dropped into the wood after their souls leave their bodies as seeds that germinate" There, like a grain of spelt, it germinates, soon springs into a sapling, then a wild tree; at last the Harpies, feasting on its leaves, creae its pain, and for the pain an outlet,"(71). The souls arrive in hell as nature and have to stay as nature forever as a punishment. There leaves and branches serve as food for the Harpies thus contributing to the cycle of life. By disrupting the natural cycle of the life, the souls are forever in debt to nature.
   When we think of trees, we think of life and growth especially with fruit trees. The trees in the forest are exactly the opposite/" But twisted and entangled, no fruit, but thorns of poison bloomed instead,"(68). The trees dont produce sweet and tasty fruits but rather poisonous thorns.  The souls, although they are in the form of trees that grow, can not produce lively things. In life the sinners took their lives and now they can not give life to things.
    Dantes uses trees through out the Inferno. Dante always puts an emphasis on how the trees and tangled and gnarled. To me, this symbolizes Dantes belief that we cant go forward or straight in life without making mistakes. His use of trees in the Inferno enhances his work by providing unique symbolism and a contrasting point of view.

02-Cemeteries of London by ibccatlover

The sinners in all of the circles along with Dante are all trying to figure out the true meaning of god I feel. In this song the lyrics "I see god come in my garden but I don't know what he said for my heart it wasn't open," gives me the feeling that the singer is trying to search for god and is trying to find understanding much like the sinners in Hell.

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